Strap in this is going to be a long one.

Today we’ll rate all the currently known Team Tactics cards in the game in alphabetical order:

The rating system :

S = Card should probably be looked at and tuned down in some way

A = perfectly strong card

B = good Card

C = playable but you can do better. Either there are cards that do the same thing better or the effect isn’t that great or it is too expensive for its effect

D = Direct to the dumpster with this card.

Update: Cards with a Rotated next to their name have been taken out of the game during Ministravaganza 2024

Team Tactics (282)

A Better Tomorrow

C. The effect is pretty good but the power cost is high and Miles and Ms. Marvel don’t share an affiliation.

A New Age

B. With the newer SHIELD members, especially Invincible Iron Man the card has increased in value a lot. If it is enough to run OG Torch is a different question.

A-Force Assemble!

A. A card that makes 100% of A-Force rosters.

A.I.M. Lackeys Rotated

A. It gives a free movement action for anyone on your squad. It is only playable by OG MODOK which holds it back.

Advanced R&D (R) Rotated

S. The card allows for too many broken turn 1 plays.

Agents of S.M.A.S.H.

C. A funny card but having both cousins on the table and in range is gonna be difficult.

All According To Plan

A. A very strong card and an identity card for CS with a high enough cost to not get out of hand.

All Webbed Up

S. In its current form the card is a bit too strong. Loosing the Slow when you take damage would probably fix it.

Anger Management

D. Much too high of a cost for an undesirable effect.

Are You Sure You Want To Remember?

C. It is a faction leadership but not a particularly good one in my opinion.

Asteroid M

A. The Brotherhood card. Makes it basically into any game you play with them.

Astral Plane

C. The effect isn’t that great but at least the cost also isn’t super high.

Astral Ring

C. Some Convo players swear by it, but their card space is already tight so I don’t see this one making it in.

Attilan Rising

B. Decent.

Aunt May‘s Wheat Cakes

B. A must have in the mirror match because of All Webbed Up.

Avengers Assemble

A. Played in every single Avengers game ever, but not a broken card.

Bane of Damballah

B. Just a generally useful effect for a decent price.


C. While the effect has a high potential, getting it off effectively is quite a hard set up.

Bast‘s Blessing

C. It’s not a particularly exciting attack in the first place and Wakandan Card crunch is real.

Bats the Ghost Hound

B. A good card for a decent price.

Battle Plan

B. Having 3 spare power on any Steve isn’t super easy but the effect is very good.

Battlefield Medicine

A. Medpack was banned because it was too good and this is just SHIELDS version of the card.

Bear Hug

D. This should be an innate superpower for Ursa Major and not a TTC.

Bird of Prey

A. A good card to counter flying meta monsters for one of the best 3 threats in the game.

Black Onslaught

B. The struggle is to fit both Swan and Dwarf into a BO squad not that the card itself isn’t good.

Blood Red and Personal

B. Scoring VP from dazes and KOs is always nice.

Blood to Spare

A. A very good card for BO as it allows you to murder your opponent in their turn.

Book of Cagliostro

C. Getting another activation sounds awesome but in reality it is very hard to pull this card off effectively. The play again mechanic is also pretty bad.

Bounty Hunters

D. In contention for the worst card in the game.

Brace for Impact (R)

S but actually A. A card almost noone ever leaves home without. I would make it an automatic 6th card everyone always has personally.

Brothers in Arms

B. Shot Up from D with the reveal of Thor, Hero of Midgard.

Call The Pack

B. Out of activation movement is always great but this one is very conditional.

Can I Borrow That?

B. A steal for Quicksilver but conditioned to only work with Assets and he has to have dealt damage to use it. But still a steal.

Carbonadium Synthesizer

B. Removing conditions and gaining power for it is good.

Carnage Rules

A. Maybe a bit overcosted but advancing the enemy and getting an action less attack into them is pretty great. Sad that Carnage doesn’t make a lot of teams.

Cat and Mouse

A. A card you will play in 100% of your X-Force games.


B. Good if you run Prof X + Jean or Emma. But X-Mens card crunch is real and you most likely don’t run two of the three in the same squad.

Charming Thief

D. Gambit gets the Soul Gem for a round. 🤷🏽

Chi Mastery

A. Shang has perfect knowledge when he uses the card and since it can change two of his attack or two of their defense dice it is bound to do something very good for you when you use it.

Children of the Atom

B. Removing all special conditions and getting power for it is good.


C. Flavour win and it can be used effectively but not something I would expect in competitive rosters.

Clean Up

C. Giving Spidey Sense to AV is cool and it can make any Peter Parker hit a bit harder in the right matchup, particularly the mirror match. If you are plaqued with Spider-People in your meta maybe take a look at the card again.

Clone Saga

C. A flavour fail that it can’t be used with Ben Riley against Peter Parker. Good to hunt their Ghost-Spider with your Gwenom. Only realistically relevant in the mirror match.

Cloning Banks

C. Mostly a trap.

Comrade‘s Keeper

A. Red Guardians strongest argument to be splashed in places. He also basically always has the power to pay for it.

Cosmic Invigoration

B. Very strong effect that is a bit difficult to set up.

Cosmic Obliteration

A. A card you at the very least have in your 10 if you have any of the Red Skulls in your roster.

Cover Me

A. A new identity card for Defenders. Will in 95% of the cases used by one of the Hulks.

Crew of the Milano Rotated

A. Shuts down a condition based plan for an entire round.

Crimson Dawn

C. Probably not great having a card dependent on your 4 threat getting dazed but it makes playing her that much more fun.

Cruel Tutelage

B. Requires careful planning ahead of when you use it but can be very good.


A. A free range 5 attack to finish someone off is just nice.

Custom Upgrades

A. A new identity card for Spider-Foes that will make it into basically every game you play with them.

Dark Aura Manifestation

D. Just no.

Dark Empowerment

B. Adds to the turbocharge game plan of Dark Dimension.

Dark Past

A but actually D. The effect is pretty awesome. Since everyone gets a superpower for the round it means they don’t have to stay near Gambit to still benefit. But why the Hel doesn’t have Gambit Stealth in the first place and why can’t he show his X-Men friends who to be stealthy? 🙄

Dark Reign

A. Cabals identity card, played in 100% of their games.

Dark Restoration

B. Very expensive but can win you games.

Daughters of Thanos

B. Cool if you play both characters often but difficult to set up.

Deadly Duo

A. The most competitive team up card. A no brainer if you have both characters in your squad.

Deal With the Devil

A. Stapled to Ghost Rider.

Deception (R) Rotated and Replaced by Stolen Identity

A. Stapled to Mystique.

Defensive Prototype

D. Interesting rules quirk: You can choose to climb through the lines of the card.

Difficult To Please

D. If you really want to play the three in the same game maybe try it but if you pull off the conditions for it you already had a good round and might not get a lot out of an additional Mags activation.

Dig In

B. Would be an A if Kingpin didn’t ruin it for everyone in having it be Cabal only.

Directive One

A. Probably the strongest argument for playing Sentinels.

Dirty Work

D. Another contender for worst card in the game.

Disarm (R) Rotated

A. Often gets overlooked in favour of the easier to play Sacrifice or Patch Up, but very strong nonetheless.

Do You Know Who I Am?

A. Stapled to Juggernaut.

Doomed Prophecy

B. Difficult to use but can win you games.


B. A secondary “leadership” for Weapon X. Don’t bring it if they have Ant-Man or Wasp in their 10 who can no sell it.

Double Agent

B. Don’t expect to have Jess activate again but to force your opponents hand as to when they activate a particular character.

Efficient Machines

B. Keeps your fragile Sentinels on their feet a bit better and especially kranks up their damage giving them 5 potential successes instead of the usual 4.

Elemental Infusion

C. Cute and throws can trigger it.

Endless Legions

D. You get the Grunts back automatically anyway.

Escort to Safety Rotated

A. Fallen out of fashion due to the rise of Fall Back but still very strong. Basically a once per game Eye in the Sky.


A. If you bring the couple you also bring the card.

Eye In The Sky

A. A card you will play in every SHIELD game with Fury in the squad (regardless of if he’s the leader or not). Also interesting when you splash Fury.

Eyes on the Prize Rotated

S. Might get restricted, banned or only be played from round 2 onwards in the future.

Face Me

C. Moves the opponent which is good but gives them a free attack that doesn’t have to target the model who played the card which can be risky.

Faithful Companion

C. Cute but not especially good.

Fall Back

A. Will find it’s way to the restricted list soon I feel though I don’t think it is overpowered.

Fan Club

C. Cool effects but a game in and of itself to set up meaningfully.

Fastball Special!

A. One of the better team up cards.

Fearful Symmetry

S but actually D. If you ever get this off at an actual event you immediately win the internet.

First Class

A. The identity card for Uncanny X-Men. In 100% of their games, unless they somehow end up on non pay to flip secures and Researcher (which is very very unlikely to happen).

First of the Black Order

C. Corvus Glaives leadership card. The leadership isn’t terrible and having access to a secondary leader in BO is very helpful but it costs a card space and only affects BO affiliated models which is meh.

For a Limited Time Only

C. Having to play it on Hero Thor’s activation kind of kills it.

Forced Extraction

B. In the right teams this can get Sinister up and running right from the get go.

Foreign Assignment

A. Another contender for top team up card in the game. Just using it with Star-Lord is superb action economy.

Founding Members

C. The best effects are on the models you don’t really want in range to trigger the conditions.

Freyja‘s Blessing

B. Not well liked by other contend creators I’m still giving the card the benefit of a doubt but I can see where they are coming from.

Fusion Caster

D. Your opponent can’t bring your Crimson Dynamo down? Don’t worry just do it yourself!

Galaxy‘s Greatest

A. Makes one of the most kills teams more killy and adds survivability too.

Gamma Drain

C. Power isn’t usual a big problem for iHulk.

Gamma Launch

C. Cute if you have a specific plan for it in mind, but usually you have better stuff to do with Hulks power.

Giant‘s Blood

A. Keeps your Loki (1 or 2) out of danger and gives AoE Root and Slow.

Glory of Ultron

C. It actually isn’t a terrible card because Ultron 2 needs a lot of power, but it gives your opponent agency about it which isn’t great.

Go Get ‘em Tiger

C. None of the Peter Parkers are super reliable at dazing or KOing enemy characters so it could very much end up being a dead card in some games.

Gotta Get Some Air

A. Gives Logan some free movement at the cost of his secure play. Can be triggered by the opponent and doesn’t cost any power.

Grievous Wounds

C. A card that reads pretty good and was considered making a big comeback when iHulk released but then just didn’t.

Happy Birthday, Runt!

A. A free attack for any Victor Creed that makes him a Shape shifter for the attack, doesn’t have to be played in his activation and also becomes an objective drop if you happen to hit a James Logan Howlett (who is quite popular for unknown reasons, and gets a third incarnation later this year).

Hard Reset

A. SHIELDs personal Recal with Skull unlock. It’s telling how good of a card crop SHIELD has when this often doesn’t make it into the roster.


A. The reason you consider playing Emma in X-Men. Don’t get too fixated on moving your entire team with it. If one move can turn into a great activation do it.

Heart of the Worthy

B. I have to play some games with Jane (but I’ll wait until I actually own her) to decide whether or not an additional activation of her can be so game changing that the card is worth it.

Heave Ho Rotated

C. Maybe teams with no terrain throws should give this card a try. But it probably doesn’t make it into the 5 very often.

Heavy Firepower


Helicarrier Strike

C. Just doesn’t compare great to the overall crop of SHIELD cards and is heavily overshadowed by:

Helios Laser Bombardment

A. A card that according to AMG was never meant to hit competitive play but go be a fun kitchen table card ended up being a consideration for any list that includes any form of Tony Stark.

Heroes for Hire

A. If you bring Luke Cage, Iron Fist or both, you also have this card in your 5.

Highway to Hell

C. Thematically cool but you already bring one card for Ghost Rider every time you play him. Tough to fit in a second.

Hold Still

C. The highest potential movement steal in the game but also by far the least reliable.

Hood’s Gang

B. Having to play it during Hood activation is a big downside sadly as it dictates your activation order.

Human Weapon

A. AoE Stagger potential is good. Who would’ve thought?

I Am A Baron, After All

A. If you bring a Zemo in your roster, and statistically you likely do always consider the card. Super versatile too. It can even make 3 threat Zemo an Eyes target though if that is worth it is a different question.

Illicit Tech

B. Would be an A if Crossbones 2 could use it.

Indomitable (R)

A. Undervalued restricted card that is occasionally straight up better than Brace for impact.

Inevitable Betrayal

C. Cool effect for too high of a price.

Inexplicable Demise

C. Funny but not really playable competitively.


D. Playing 3 threat down for round 1 isn’t worth the pay off.

Inhuman Royal Family

B. Solid but far from faction defining.

Inspiring Monologue Rotated

B. Undervalued.

Iron-Bound Books of Shuma-Gorath

A. Played in 100% of Convocation games.

Update: errated to exclude Grunts from triggering the return of the card. Which is good.

It‘s Time Travel… Don‘t Ask

D. Don’t bother either.

Jabari Chieftain

C. The effect is good but the price is pretty high and M’Baku can make a lot out of four Power otherwise.


D. Much to situational.

Joint Effort

B. Doesn’t work like most people think it does but it is still pretty good for central fighting teams.

Jonathan the Unstoppable

C. Helps Honey Badger to play a bit of scenario but do you want to invest a TTC in your throwaway 2 threat?

Journey Through Limbo

A. Displacement and Incinerate on a stick. Can also move your own models in a pinch.

Kick ‘em While They‘re Down Rotated

A. The art is great. And so is the effect.

King‘s Command

D. Had to look this one up which isn’t a good sign especially for a new card like this.

K‘liluna‘s Glory

D. The card doesn’t make a tonne of sense since the target gains power for the damage dealt.

K‘un-Lun Training Rotated

C. Usually Recal is just better.

Last-Minute Save

C. The card was broken on release but after the update it is seldom worth it.


C. The effect is pretty great but the condition hard to match and even harder to plan around.

Lethal Protector

A. If you bring Venom you bring this card.

Life Model Decoy

D. Convoluted and not very good card.

Lovable Misfits

A. Probably a controversial take but the potential it holds is ver high. The high variance is what holds it back for most people.

Magnetic Crush

C. Not really worth the hassle.

Magnetic Refraction

A. Stapled to Magneto.

Makin‘ A Ruckus

C. Really hold back by Juggs not being able to add dice to the attack as the movement isn’t in his activation.

Marked for Death Rotated

A. Strong effect and basically necessary if you face a lot of Web Warriors in your area.

Masked Menace

A. Initially I wasn’t very high on the card. I was wrong.

Mass Transit

D. Initially I wasn’t very high on the card. I was right.

Meet My Executioner

A. Basically a Brace and a teleport for a Taunt model in one. Fantastic team up card.

Mental Domination

A. If you play either Jean or Cassandra you bring this card.

Midnight Phantasmagoria

A. Stapled to Malekith.

Mind Games

B. Can be set up quite effectively.

Mind If I Cut In?

C. It really only taxes your opponents power economy a bit instead of being a bodyguard type card like so many other characters have. Rouge also isn’t suuuper tough (while also not fragile).

Mind Transfer

C. The effect is awesome but the set up is too difficult in practice.

Mind Wipe

C. Charles personal Got Your Back. Awesome if you can break up an opponents activation with it. Not super likely to do that though.

Mission Objective Rotated

A. Almost a must for any scenario based roster.

Monkey Brain Is Lizard Home

C. Area push is cool but Lizard is usually an extract carrier that wants to stay out of the fight as much as possible.


A. Black Orders Astoriod M.

Mutant Traitor

B. The attack is actually pretty good. Having both Bishop and Gambit on the table is the problem.

My Hellfire Club

S. It’s become clear that the leadership is a bit overtuned.

Mystic Ward

A. Turning off an objective is pretty rad.

Neogenetic Recombinator

D. Just transfers damage between your characters instead of healing which is pretty bad.

No Matter the Cost Rotated

A. Could be considered S with some characters like X-23 who don’t really feel the downside.

No Mercy

B. 3 “free” power is nice but is it worth the card slot?

No More Mutants

A. Stapled to Scarlet Witch.

No, Try This One!

B. Can be helpful if you have some silver bullet TTCs in your 10.

Occult Research

D. You simply won’t get this card off.

Odin‘s Blessing

A. Maybe even S. In 100% of your Asgard games.

On Patrol

B. The effect is absolutely amazing, but you can’t really get it off in round 1 where it would be best.

One Below All

A. Basically stapled to iHulk.

One-Two Punch Rotated

D. Joint Effort is just way better for the same basic effect.

Online and Operational

A. Basically necessary to play Sentinels.

Gotten better in the errata, in halving the cost to play it.

Orb of Agamotto

B. If you get the wild trigger it is amazing. If you don’t you want to cry.

Over The Top

D. Especially bad with the Howling Commandos as you don’t want to give free attacks into them to your opponent and Steve Rogers, Captain America Steve Rogers probably isn’t doing enough for you to warrant a card either.


D. Cute with Hulkbuster but that’s much to much threat and neither Carol nor Thor have power to spare usually.

Pardon Me, Sugah

C. Flavour win and awesome if you face a lot of X-Men, since you can use the their models for the card.

Patch Up (R)

A. Great if you bring some big boys or gals.

Pentagram of Farallah

A. Hard to set up but fantastic if they work out.

Plane of Pohldahk

B. Good to bring down a big threat.

Power of the Cosmos

B. Honestly a quite decent attack with an AoE push but if you have the space for it is a different question.

Preserve the Dream

A. Not faction defining but very good for X-Force.

Pretty Sneaky, Sis

A. Great for X-Force to fire from save distance without the opponent being able to retaliate easy.

Price of Failure

B. Good to salvage something out of a model that’s almost done for anyway.

Prince‘s Protection

A. Basically Comrade’s Keeper just with an AoE push instead of the single throw.


D. Much to conditional to work out reliably.

Psionic Constructs

C. Meh.

Psychic Fortress

B. AoE Cover around a 65mm base is quite helpful.

Psychic Shielding Device (P.S.D.) Rotated

A. Pretty great to shut down Web Warriors displacements for example.

Psychic Shockwave

A. But you will still never use the card as there isn’t a realistic chance you’ll have both Maw and Supergiant on the table.

Pym Particles

B. A random size 3 terrain throw can catch your opponent off guard.


A. Pyro is strong enough without the card that it isn’t stapled to him, but still very good.

Rainbow Bridge

B. Actionless Reposition is nice but your Asgardians rarely have extra power to spare.

Recalibration Matrix

A. Great to offset an opponents spike into you or in a pinch gives a chance to push some more damage through if a big attack whiffed.

Red Room Training Rotated

A. Probably an under used card.


B. A good Card that will never see play as even if you bring Vulture (which is a big if) you probably don’t bank on him living to use the card.


C. Teleporting Fury to where he is needed is nice. He just won’t often have the power to do it and his Agents seldom go very far from him anyway.

Repulsor Refraction

C. To restrictive of who can play it.

Reserve Members

B. Cool if you run multiple characters with leaderships in your Avengers roster. Also a very good German/Austrian Podcast you should give a listen to if you can understand it 😉

Rhino in a China Shop

D. Hard to set up for not that great an effect and you take damage in the end.

Ricochet Blast

A budget Helios Laser that can sometimes be worth it.

Rock and Troll

C. Ulik is extremely mobile anyway.

Sable International

B. Just because Sable struggles to pay for it.

Sacrifice (R)

A. The second most used restricted card for a reason.

Scientific Method

C. Hard set up but a decent pay off.

Scrap Metal

C. Flavour win but not reliable and can even hurt your allies.


C. Voodoo doesn’t really need it.

Second Wind.

B. Great on Mayor Fisk, good anywhere, maybe not enough to make the 5 though.

Servants of the Titan

C. It’s not likely that you’ll have a lot of BO members who can pay for it.

Seven Suns of Cinnibus

C. A nice attack but hard to set up meaningfully.

Shadow Organization

A. Not being able to be attacked outside of range 2 is just good.


A. No more Mutants for Ebony Maw.

Shuriken Arashi

D. Free movement for your opponent. Hurray?

Sibling Rivalry

A. The best team up card. If you ever bring Thor and Loki 1 you should bring the card.

Siege of Darkness

A. Faction defining for Midnight Sons. Played in 100% of their games.

Simpleton! I‘ll Do It Myself!

B. Situationally great.

Sinister Traps

B. It’s stock has fallen heavily with the new Spider-Foes cards out. Also there are to many no sells for the card in the game nowadays. Update: Stock had risen back to B with the Rotation of Eyes on the Prize.


A. Actionless movement. It gud.

Skuttlebutt, on Me!

B. Bills and especially Skurges own mini Helios that doesn’t even cost an action and throws on damage. Only held back by either character being quite power starved usually.

Sleeper Agent

A. The best Hydra card that technically isn’t even Hydra affiliated. Slam dunk on Hulk and Bill.

Smash Rotated

C. Cool for Dormammu at least.

Soldat Activated

A. Basically stapled to either Bucky in the affis he can use it in.

Sovereign Strike

A. Winter Guards best card.

Special Delivery

A. Faction defining for A-Force. Can be a trap if you use it mindlessly but extremely strong when used correctly.


A. Web Warriors second TTC pick in every game.

Spirit of Wakanda

S. The problem especially lies in the combo with Advanced RnD. If that goes away Spirit goes down to A and doesn’t need any fixes. If ARND stays it has to be touched somehow like restricting the power gain to affiliated models for example.

Update: ARND got rotated and Spirit is fine now.

Stalwart Determination

A. My favourite A-Force card. Kind of team wide Indomitable for a round.

Stark Armory

A. Many people were afraid this could end up being broken but it is just very good.

Static Arc

C. Awesome flavour card but difficult to set up meaningfully.

Strategic Retreat

A. Fall back and Mission Objective are the most used unrestricted cards in the game. Combing their effects is pretty good.

Street Smarts

A. Stalwart Determination (with some differences) for Defenders.

Strength and Cunning

D. In consideration for the worst card in the game.

Sucker Rotated

C. Saw some resurgence as anti Age of Ultron tech but otherwise not worth it.

Supersonic Annihilator

C. A funny if not super good Area 5 attack for Klaw. He can spent his power pretty well otherwise though.

Surprise, Webhead

A. A lot more restrictive than Wakanda Forever and Siege of Darkness but still great an answer to Big Boys.

Synthetic Heart-Shaped Herbs

C. Giving Killmonger a throw is great but the drawback is pretty hard.

Tactical Maneuvers Rotated

C. Usually a Recal is straight up better and cheaper.


D. Too expensive, unreliable and there are only three extracts where this card even works on, with one being very unpopular and not a crisis you should consider as Inhumans.

The Age of Ultron Rotated

S. For Ultron 2. A for Ultron 1. Stapled to either but probably shouldn’t be useable for the Metal Tyrant. One I expect to change come Ministravaganza.

The Air Force

C. Additional activations are cool. But you’ll have to really stretch to have both Carol 1 and War Machine in your squad.

The Bar With No Doors

A. A fantastic leadership and the only leadership card that doesn’t block a spot in your 5.

The Black Bifrost

A. Hard to use but strong if you figure it out.

The Books of Truth

B. Good but Recal is once again straight up better.

The Cat and the Spider

A. Became much more relevant with Spectacular Spidey. Can turn Black Cat into a safe grab if you want to.

The Grand Illusion

A. Only works if you announce it in your best bad magician voice. Wearing a cape also helps. Very very strong when you get it off.

The High Council

D. You can either try to win the game or try to get this card off. Both will never happen.

The Initiative

B. Not as good as Sleeper Agent but SHIELD has much better affiliated cards that you can give your splash piece access to with this card.

The Invaders

B. The leadership is very good but SHIELD already has two quite strong ones and their TTC crunch is already real without having to sacrifice a spot for the leadership.

The Shieldmobile

A. Out of activation movement= good. It also grants flight for the entire round.

The Whims of Chaos

B. Good but usually doesn’t make it in because of No More Mutants.

There Will Be Carnage

C. AoE Root is pretty great but Carnage already has big power issues.

They Say Keep Your Enemies Close…

A. Great to kidnap a model into your lines.

This Is Our Day

B. Hard to use correctly but good. TT had the best use for it in using it round 2 when you went down in round one with one VP down.

This is a Robbery

S. Stapled to Rhino and simply does too much for too little investment. Should either cost an action, more power, only work on assets, not also throw the target or any combination of it.

Update: Got errataed to cost 4 power now. Turned down to an A.


C. The attack isn’t bad but having Thor 1 and Steve 1 on the table together isn’t very likely in the first place.

Till the End of the Line

B. Honestly pretty good but expensive.

To Ash and Cinder

A. Planting a bomb right on the middle Gamma for example is awesome. Pitty it can’t be used by Crossbones 2.

To Me My X-Men

A. Source of all the X-Men safe grab plays. Can also be used later in the game to good effect.

Trial by Combat

A. With Killmonger Usurper leadership as you loose nothing. B with anyone else. D against Guardians of the Galaxy as you can’t turn their leadership off (in the same way as KM, Us isn’t turned off if you loose the Trial by Combat).

Trickster‘s Boon

A. Awesome if you bring any killy splash character in your Asgard roster which this gives a big incentive to do.

Trip Up Rotated

C. Would be very good if you could play it after the attack is resolved. As is it is too unreliable.

Two More Shall Rise

C. Cute but it won’t salvage a game where you loose your leader so quickly that it will make a big impact.

Under Your Skin

C. The abilities you get for being a Sentinel are quite decent for some characters. The timing should be different though that these characters count as affiliated for squad building which they currently don’t.

Uneasy Allies

D. Suffering damage on two characters for a very mediocre effect. No thanks.

Untapped Potential

C. Gives an incentive to play Bobby, who I found to be very good on the board despite many peoples reactions to him, in HFC but he doesn’t really fit their game plan all too well.

Usurp the Throne

A. Stapled to Killmonger and the reason he is straight better than KM, U WHO can’t use this card.

Vapors of Valtorr

D. Hard Set Up, expensive but at least the effect is also terrible…


C. Became a bit more relevant after Electra’s buff but usually still not worth a card slot.


D. 6 power and two actions and -2 energy defense for a mediocre attack with the chance to heal a bit. No thanks.

Versatile Strategy

B. Requires a specific plan but can be great then.

Update: Increased in value through the errata that now the non-active leader plays it which means you can do it after you’ve lost your first leader.

Vertical Assistance

A. Out of activation movement. Once again good and on available from a cheap and pretty good source in 2 threat Widow.

Vibranium Shielding

C. More difficult to set up meaningfully than it looks like and Wakandan card crunch is also real.

Victory Assured

D. It’s just not a a good attack.

Wakanda Forever

S. Faction defining for Wakanda and with all their latest additions it became even stronger as you have more affiliated Wakandans on the table.

Wand of Watoomb


Warpath Rotated

B. Aggressive on a stick can be helpful sometimes.

We Are Groot

A. AoE heal is pretty great. Often doesn’t get taken when Groot is just there to bodyguard Rocket but Groot may be an under used splash character.

Weapon X Program

A. Throwing yourself into the enemy is funny and also very good. Wolverine needs too many other TTCs to live up to his full potential though and if you want Victor Creed to pounce into the enemy you can just use Apex Predator who can do it with a superpower instead of a TTC.

Update: With the rotation of No Matter the Cost and X-Ceptional healing this becomes more of a consideration for Wolverine again.

Weapons of Midgard

D. If you want Skurge to have a ranged attack just use Skuttlebutt. But this card of course lets you yell: Behold, my stuff. Which is a big plus.

Well-Laid Plans

A. 6 Power is a lot and you need both to be non dazed to play it, but when you get it off it can be game winning.

Winter Rush

B. Increased in value a lot when more characters were added to the affiliation.

Wisdom of the Ancestors

A. Stapled to King T (in my opinion); decent with OG Black Panther; not worth it with Chosen of Bast; a joke with Shuri.


D. Yeah, no.

World Domination

C. Accessable only on Mayor Fisk.

X-Ceptional Healing Rotated and replaced by Instant Recovery

A. If you bring a 4+ threat or have at least two characters with Healing Factor you bring the card.

Xavier‘s Dream

A. A third “play in every game” card for X-Men.


D. If you like Deadpool this can be funny. It can’t be good though.

New cards:

Instant Recovery

B. Far from the hight of X-Ceptional healing this card fulfills a different job for those Healing Factor characters in giving even more disincentive to try to handle them with chip damage. Can’t really stop spikes, which is what they clearly said is what they wanted. And also what fits the lore much better.

Stolen Identity

A. Basically Deception but can’t be used on activated models anymore (and isn’t restricted) which shuts down the round 1 jank you could do before.

Congratulations you’ve made it!

I’ll update the article when new TTCs come out which should be some time out for now. But of course we might see a big TTC shakeup during Ministravaganza next weekend. We’ll cover anything from that in depth of course!

Cheers from Germany 🍻

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