SGP: Ministravanganza recap 1: Apocalypse and Archangel

Day 1 of (the MCP part of) Ministravanganza was completely focused on the new big bad for the game in Apocalypse.

Be sure to watch the Stream on AMGs Twitch Channel if you have the time:

As “just” a character Apocalypse looks like a decent but not super strong 6 threat. He has pretty obvious synergy in Baron Strucker Hydra but aside from that AMG heard our prayers and made him much much better as the leader of his own affiliation than as a splash.

And what is his affiliation?

Well it is the most complex affi yet from what we know so far.

The panel clearly stated the following things:

  • There is a fixed affiliation list
  • Each character on the list can be assigned one of two predetermined Horseman cards
  • splash chafracters can’t be Horsemen
  • Evolution tokens can be spend to use the superpowers on the horsemen cards
  • You need at least 16 threat to be able to field Apoc and four horseman Update: the following bit is wrong because I can’t math… “which means there’s only two 3s on the affiliation list, one of them most likely Gambit”
  • Apocalypse can use the superpowers on the Horsemen cards

The timing off the leadership also means you only hand out the Horsemen cards after deployment.

This is a Tarot sized card and man there’s a wall of text. But everything on it is pretty clear cut and unambiguous.

We know 3 of the characters eligible to be Death as the three from the art are in the game and they clearly stated that Archangel and Wolverine can be Death. It would be very surprising if Gambit couldn’t be.

The effect is on the more pricey side but also pretty strong and can pay for it self.

Power drain and reposition. It’s active superpower is pretty good but it’s Evolution refunds isn’t particularly great.

This would always be my number one pick in any Servants of Apocalypse squad both the active and innate are very good.

This makes any damage dealer even better at their job. Probably my personal number two pick after Pestilence. Probably depends on which characters end up being able to choose War whether this or Death is going to do more on the table.

We also got a look at Archangels card (front side only like with En Sabah Nur himself).

This card makes me even more sad that Vultures Builder is Range 2…

Archangel is a pretty much all gas no brakes character with his only defensive ability being able to add two defense or dodge dice (which is very nice) against physical and energy attacks.

His builder hands out Bleed and Poison and while these aren’t on top of the curve in terms of Special Conditions it is per wild at least. And his Spender has a Wild Stagger that turns into Wild Activated if the target already had Bleed and Poison.

He is fast with what is sure to be a 50mm base, medium move and Flight and adds action economy with Charge.

You kind of have to shoot him out of the sky before he picks your team apart. Only 5 stamina is his obvious big downside that has to be exploited as much as you can.

While I think the arrival of Apocalypse will have a big impact on the meta once he is finally here I expect the meta to be shaken up much more directly by today’s panel about Tactics cards. I’ll cover it as soon as I have the chance!

See you then!

Cheers from Germany 🍻

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