SGP: Ministravaganza recap 3: Road Map

The big reveals with one unexpected thing among them that has me hyped the most. It’s a lot so let’s get right into it:

First up is Maverick. Shick specifically called him “more of a Splash character than playing in his home affiliation very much” which is interesting. Energy Rapid Fire is certainly cool. The Builder is pretty standard for a 3 threat and the Spender is pretty awesome. Hit and Run combined with Rapid Fire is good and he gets even more mobility when he lives through being attacked. Which is his biggest downside because he has nothing to help him do that aside from 3/3/3 stats and 5 health. In his turn he of course has Healing Factor to help stay on his feet and that does give him access to the new Instant Recovery TTC. If he’s in affiliation he’s probably not your first target for the card and if you splash him it seems unlikely to bring the card just for him.

And now the special new mechanic he brings to the game: he stops Healing Factor and similar abilities. That’s pretty rad actually as long as he can pay for it. If he plays against Weapon X or X-Force he’s going to have a pretty big target on his head. Which keeps fire and claws off of your other models which is a win in and of itself.

B+ Tier character on first impression for me.

A 3 threat Logan that is really a no killing machine. You sent him to a secure to murder someone and that’s basically all he does. He’s very efficient at that I believe but not having any control or scenario play makes this one a tough sell for me especially since he competes with his pretty good other two versions.

C Tier on first look.

Overall a box I’m not super interested in picking up right away though Maverick seems interesting for my Asgard roster 🤔

Sunspot is kind of impossible to judge without seeing him actually play on the table. The flare mechanic seems a bit confusing and his attacks don’t immediately strike me as fantastic. But the panel mentioned that the leadership had a way of moving him which would create a flare token. He immediately become a good Senators character as his Sunburn is just an Advance not a movement action. Exploding on daze or KO is also very cool.

Tier ? I really have no judgement here.

Selffriend is a nice reliable Range 4 energy blaster with a decent Spender. He can be durable of he eats some terrain to regenerate some HP and adds a defense die if he stays at the Gainer Range. His Omega Red Impression can be useful sometimes but I doubt it will come up a lot.

Absolutely reasonable backline fire support 3 threat. B-.

Note that neither of the New Mutants here has a leadership. They confirmed they have the leadership in their box on a TTC that makes Magik their leader.

Pretty awesome stat card. I’m really happy that we got a super mobile 3 threat that has decent damage, a Beam with a place, Air lift and enemy displacement for Spider-Foes.

Wait this isn’t Vulture but some chickenboned Mutie nice guy?

Seriously though Angel is very good and simply has me scratching my head at what Vulture did to the development team to get the card he’s gotten.

Angel is an A Tier character to me. It has me actually considered using his stat card with m Vulture mini.

Jack Russell is confirmed to be in Midnight Sons. Gonna have to wait and see if he makes it into SHIELD (he really should lore wise ) or not.

He looks cool and I’ll definitely try him in my Ick Spider-Foes but overall I think he’s one of the tamer 5 threats at first look. But Healing Factor 2 and a counter strike make just attacking him without taking him out pretty scary.


Vlad looks pretty strong. He’s not going to be a Midnight Son but rather have his own affiliation through another TTC (I hope the new ones don’t take up slots in your 5 like Bar with no Doors) and will be in “some of the Bad Guys Affiliations” so probably Cabal and ?

He’s going to be hard to kill and can reel people in with his advance to get in range of his good attacks. Probably an A tier character.

They made the meme into a One Shot card 😂

This is truly amazing.

Whoever plays this and doesn’t use Moon Knight as the Hunter: I hope you roll very poorly.

The next box we knew was coming in this panel because of a leak that Shick also indirectly mentioned it’s:

We already heard it in the 5 years of AMG panel that Abomination (they didn’t name him in that but was very clear) was supposed to be the model coming out with Hulk right after the games release but Marvel told them to do MODOK instead. In that Stream they also all bit flat out say: “Marvel isn’t allowing us to release the Mediocre 4 currently. You can stop asking now, we know you want them”

Back to Abomination. He’s supposed to be displayed right against iHulk which will then create a battle scene. But in all honesty he is kind of the lesser interesting sculpt in this box.

And the Wrecking Crew doesn’t just look awesome, their rules are also pretty great and a fantastic way to combine the powers of the four in one model.


For them and Abomination we also already know the affiliations which are CS for both and Hydra for the big boy and Cabal for the four best friends.

Dallas Kemp confirmed Mephisto to be on a 50mm base during the painting stream.

Then we got shown the minis for Elsa (once again confirmed as the second MS leader), Man-Thing, Nova (who’s gonna be a big hitter as he should be) and Yondu:

Now for the stuff we didn’t know about:

Maximus is confirmed a new Inhumans leader and Karnak and Gorgon finally get added to the game. A second Black Bolt version is maybe less exciting as a different new Inhuman would’ve been but if he’s a non leader version it’s going to be interesting what he will do on the table.

This is the unexpectedly box that has me hyped the most because it has 5 new secures and extracts each which will be available for standard play. Getting Gladiator in the box is a nice bonus as I think he’s a very cool character but I can see that people might dislike this when they only wanted the crisis cards and had no interest in the character.

They made it a secret as to who is wearing the Ronin suite here. My guess is Clint Barton but theres certainly more options for it. Echo is one that was on that leaked playtesters sheet about a year ago. Tigra is also just a cool character.

Avalanche is definitely missing from the Brotherhood line up and the other two are certainly characters in the Marvel comics (I have no idea who they are I’m ashamed to admit 😅)

At least I know who this is! Spidey 2099 is a very cool inclusion in the game and is coming with even more Spider-People. My guess:

Silk, Spider-Man Noir and the first 10 threat in the game in Spider Ham.

Honourable mention to Spider-Punk who could replace any of the three.

X-Men get their very own 6+ threat. It is a transformation that can happen “willingly or unwillingly”. Phoenix is another character from the aforementioned list.

We also got approximate dates for everything:

Overall I’m pretty happy with everything and am most excited for the new crisises even though they are still a long way off.

Cheers from Germany 🍻

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