SGP: Ministravaganza recap 4. The 5 years panels

After we covered the big reveals from the three main MCP panels today we have a little extra on top and cover the tidbits we got from the 5 years of AMG panels.

Something already mentioned in the Road Map article is that Abomination was originally planned to come out along with Hulk as the first expansions from the core set and Marvel told them to go with MODOK instead. Also give very clear hints that Marvel is also responsible for some characters that a lot of people constantly ask for not being in the game yet.

In the 5 years of development panel Will Pagani confirmed that a new multiplayer OP kit like Seperation Anxiety will be coming out. No details or time line on that yet.

Most interesting with possible implications for the game was the 5 years of design panel which BionicBeth from Reddit pointed me to.

We were shown some updated art for characters and TTCs that made me go “huh” at least a bit.

AIM Lackies was just rotated out but the card on the right very much looks like MODOK with actual AIM troopers. They also talked about how in the early TTC designs they often wanted to show that anyone can be played with anyone else in MCP which is why you get some random character combinations. The direction for that changed nowadays to have the card art be more of an homage to the comics.

They also showed some updated character stat card art mostly from the September 23 update but these two were also among them:

Neither of these characters has gotten an update yet. And they talked about how the whole process of getting the art works and it didn’t sound like they would have someone draw new versions of character art for nothing.

What does that all mean? Well BionicBeth had an idea which doesn’t seem super unlikely:

It could a big style update for all the old cards to get them in the new format and translated.

That would invalidate the hours and hours of work me and a couple other German players, especially Nacra who proof reads everything, spend in translating everything (join our MCP Germany discord if you need that). I am far from done with all the TTCs though.

And of course it could be nothing in the end either. They didn’t give particular hints as to why those new arts were shown.

Something else they just slipped in somewhere during Ministravaganza is a Print and Play Download sheet for One Shot cards for existing terrain. You can find that here:

While I’m personally not super interested in these it’s just a nice to have thing that AMG hands out for free so absolutely no complaints here 🙂

We won’t go through all the cards because there are quite a lot but I wanted to show off a couple:

This card uses a mechanic that would be cool on some characters in using a different defensive stat than physical to dodge something.

OK so now we have Weapon X Program, the TTC; Weapon X, the character; Weapon X, the affiliation and Weapon X Program the One Shot card. That’s not gonna confuse anybody ever 😅

The effect here is probably the most game changing of all the One Shot cards and you probably don’t want to bring a lot of Healing Factor characters here.

This is a Will Shick card for sure. I. The development panel they talked about how Pagani is the spreadsheet competitive player who likes synergies in his design. Wrecking Crew was his design for example. And how Shick is the guy who like absolute randomness and funny interactions with rolling on tables etc. and that’s what we have here. Ben Ransom is then the guy likes exploring everything and also nowadays the one who has to take the designs of Pagani and Shick and makes them fair, balanced and playable on the table which he does with a 95% success rate I’d say.

Back to the card here: it is probably the funniest one of the bunch but there is one competitor:

You can ride a car Long across the board and everyone you’ve hit on the way takes a damage. This is kind of insane for one power and no action 😄

And of course One Shot cards are there for cool narrative moments and not be perfectly balanced.

Overall it shows that it’s always worth it to watch the panels that don’t just focus on one of the three games.

For MCP it’s a brave new world out there with the card rotation which we’ll look closer at in the next days and four new affiliations coming in in just the later half of this year. Excitement level is way up for me who can’t wait to even finally get my new Asgard box and now even more so than before the Halloween Monsters.

Cheers from Germany 🍻

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