SGP: WTC: affiliation stats

Welcome back to our post WTC coverage where today we take a look at stats for every affiliation involved.

Asgard, as expected, leads the way in games played closely followed by Web Warriors. X-Men, Avengers, Cabal and Guardians also all crack the 100 games mark.

The Black Order splash was rarely used and one madmen actually decided to play a game unaffiliated.

A-Force lead the way! With them I’m not really sure if people played leaderless or forgot to put her in, because She-Hulk has terrible matchups and you might be better of without her sometimes. With Apoc it’s just clearly a mistake as you can’t even play the affiliation without him. He makes quite the splash so soon after his debut. And I absolutely see why. His leadership might just be the most versatile in the entire game and I’m really happy we have a fixed list for it or it could get out of hand very quickly.

Midnight Sons did surprisingly well overall seeing as they didn’t have any of their incredible new toys available for the event.

Cabal dominates, Inhumans are quietly in the top 5 as they usually are and X-Men get dragged down a bit by Prof X and Cyclops being under 50% while Storm reigns supreme as their best leader.

Defenders had a good showing, SHIELD too, with a very healthy spread between the leaders (someone even winning a game with Steve Rogers Invaders) and the big boogeyman of Asgard finishing 9th. Jane just beats out Loki as the factions best leader and Erich from Austria even got two wins with a character him and me still really enjoy playing: Thor, Prince of Asgard.

Update: Turns out Erich didn’t use Thor leadership even once, so sorry, and thanks to JJ for mentioning it. I shouldn’t have just assumed it was him 😁

CS make it out a perfect 50/50, with MODOK clearly being their best leader and as does Dormmamu, granted in a lot less games. Seeing Web Warriors at only rank 12 and 48% is definitely not something I would’ve expected. But it was the 3 and 5 in ASM led games that dragged them under the 50% line.

Convocation, Avengers and Hydra all just muss the 50% mark. Angus of the Rapid Fire podcast did manage to win a game with Helmut Zemo leadership. I hope to learn the story about why he picked the leadership in an upcoming episode of the cast, as I personally thought the rotation of Eyes on the Prize had killed that, already niche, leadership completely.

Judging Hellfire Club in a team event is hard because the lists are probably very different from singles HFC lists as proven by the Webs/ Hellfire list form Italy Maestro.

Black Panther leadership did not have a good weekend for some reason and Magnetos trip to Copenhagen was even worse.

We’ve seen the winning teams Captain Diomlord pilot his Guardians to a 5:1 finish but overall the space weirdos did not so well finishing way below 50%.

One brave player brought Weapon X and finished 2:4. More power to him.

X-Forces status as “probably the best attrition faction in the game” was very short lived and they are close the very bottom here as well.

Spider-Foes had a horrible run. And playing Black Order proved to almost always be the wrong call in the duals. And well playing unaffiliated in this day and age should result in a loss.

That’s it for the stats. Next up will be my own experience at the event. Stay tuned for that!

Cheers from Germany 🍻

Previous post SGP: WTC: Analyzing the team composition of winners Italy Maestro

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