A collection of content for Marvel Crisis Protocol
Category: Omnus Protocol
Omnus aims to mirror the feeling of a relaxed but in depth post game discussion on a game night. His show focuses on the tactical intricacies of Marvel: Crisis Protocol with help from a revolving cast of guests from throughout the gaming community.
I steal Tseung Tsu from Across the Bifrost so we can chat about the little choices that can lead to getting an advantage. We specifically focus on Crisis Selection, Team...
Jacob and I tackle the next Avengers Affiliation Focus episode. This one ended up being very challenging as Avengers is an extremely versatile and is perhaps the affiliation with the...
I am continuing the affiliation focus episodes with Wakanda. Jamie helps discuss this one as we dive in the topics of Win Conditions, Controlling Priority, Crisis Coordination, Balance of Power,...
Pat from Across the Bifrost helps me tackle my second Cabal focused episode. The goal is to present some more advanced tactics and theory that goes in to playing Cabal...
I have found myself spending more time examining how I spend my power and how much power I generate for my opponent. This episode focuses on the concept that in...
In this episode we are talking about which of the expansions should be your new recruit or in other words...What should be your next purchase after the core set? Jamie...
This episode is about stepping back and examining the Win Condition for your team. Jacob joins me to cover the primary ways teams get an advantage that lead to winning...
This is the 3rd and final episode in the Creating Content series. Devon (Cutthroatcure) assists me in talking about streaming and helping people get some idea of what it takes...
This episode continues my break from tactical content to try and help anyone looking for a creative outlet. I recorded three short episodes about creating content for MCP. This second...