In this Episode, Will is joined by Sandbox (Sean) for a dive into the newest blue meanie of Marvel Crisis Protocol, Apocalypse! This is the first of a series diving...
In this Episode, Will is joined by Leland from Aegisbrand Studios to take look at the recently revealed Warlock and Sunspot. The crew starts by breaking down the likely New...
Today I want to give a brief overview over all the affiliations in the game and how they changed through the TTC updates, rotations and outlook. Some will be more...
Welcome back to SG Protocol. This week AMG have announced the release dates for the "new" Avengers, Cabal and Spider-Foes affiliation packs. In them we get the original core set...
Welcome back to SG Protocol. Today we'll finish up this series. If you haven't already be sure to read these three articles first before you move on to this one:...
Welcome back to SG Protocol. Today we continue our quick overview of the common play style for every leader in every affiliation. If you haven't already be sure to read...
Welcome back to SG Protocol. A question about a quick overview of the common play styles of every affiliation I saw on Reddit inspired me to this beginners guide to...
Welcome back to SG Protocol. Today we have confirmation on where the 11 models of the Earth's Mightiest Core Set are affiliated and got a nice boost to one of...
Welcome back to SG Protocol. With the upcoming earth's mightiest core set I've heard from a lot of people that they want to start getting into the game. Especially here...