In this Episode, Will is joined by Leland from Aegisbrand Studios to take look at the New Gods of MCP, Thor: Hero of Midgard and Loki: Prince of Lies! The...
In this episode, Nick and John create rosters for the upcoming league at their FLGS and go in-depth discussing many of the various roster decisions they have made. Contact us...
Dear Reader, Today we deal with the man, the myth, the legend. The God. Loki. Loki has been in Marvel Crisis Protocol for quite a bit, but I think he...
The Dreaded… Loki: God of Mischief Whether it is The Dread Dormammu or The Dreaded Stark, there’s no character in the Marvel Crisis Protocol Universe which fails to send a...
In this Episode, Will is joined by Merzain to take a look at each of their Rosters for Season 7 of The Tabletop Simulator League (TTS). But before the guys...
As regular readers of this blog (I know you’re out there – thanks for your support) may have noticed, my output has dropped off a lot over the past few...