In this Episode, Will is joined by Sandbox (Sean) for a dive into the newest blue meanie of Marvel Crisis Protocol, Apocalypse! This is the first of a series diving...
In this episode, Will is joined by The Inhuman-Hipster for a jam-packed show. First, the guys talk about the updates (NERFs) to Cosmic Ghost Rider and whether or not these...
In this episode, Will is joined by Justin (Binx) for a deep dive into Professor X! The guys start by admiring the model before breaking down his very interesting kit. ...
Welcome back to SG Protocol. Today we build a roster focused around the upcoming character Shadow King. My initial reaction to the character wasn't very high to be honest but...
In this, Will is joined by Leland from Aegisbrand Studios to take a look at the newest Mutants to grace MCP, Nightcrawler and Iceman. Does Nightcrawler measure up to some...
Welcome back to SG Protocol. Today we take a look at an older tactics card that will probably see much more play now, since the two characters using it got...
Welcome back to SG Protocol . Today we look at everything new about Mutants in MCP after Ministravaganza 2023 and it is... quite a bit. Let's start with the updated...
In this Episode, Will is joined by Leland from Aegisbrand Studios to talk about the latest reveals for Weapon X! The guys start by taking a look at Sabretooth, Apex...
In this Episode, Will is joined by Merzain again to discuss the recently revealed Pyro as well as some Sentinel Roster Building! The gang starts by taking a look at...
In this Episode, Will is joined by Merzain to talk about the recently revealed Blob and their plans for Season 9 of the TTS League. The guy break down all...