In this Episode, Will is joined by DojoDC for a High-level Deep-dive into the recently revealed Vulture as well as the upcoming Spider-Foes Team Tactics Cards. The guys start by...
In this Episode, Will is joined by BryanFreddy to dig deep into the dirt and figure out what makes Sandman slap! The guys start by talking about the fun this...
In this, Will is joined by Leland from Aegisbrand Studios to take a look at the newest Mutants to grace MCP, Nightcrawler and Iceman. Does Nightcrawler measure up to some...
In the first Episode of 2024, Will is joined by SweetTeaAndCoffee for a look at the Warrior Falls box! The crew starts by talking bout King T'Challa. They breakdown his...
In this Episode, Will is joined by Kilpanic for a more detailed look at dice math in Marvel Crisis Protocol. The guys start by discussing how we think about dice...
In this Episode, Will is joined by Leland from Aegisbrand Studios for a Hulk-sized discussion on the recent reveals. The gang starts by talking about the all the stuff spoiled...
In this Episode, Will is joined by DojoDC for an in-depth look at how one can go about "dojo'ing" a roster. The guys start the episode with a bit of...
In this Episode, Will is joined by Leland from Aegisbrand Studios to talk about the Banned and Restricted list. The guys cover a range of cards that could be candidates...
In this Episode, Will is joined by Lexa from the Morlocks Podcast for a big discussion! First the crew talks about the recently revealed Immortal Hulk Team Tactics Cards. Then...
*Disclaimer: You are not required to paint your models to play a game, and if that game does require models to be painted, I would personally reevaluate my interest in...