SG Protocol: Ministravaganza schedule released.

Welcome back to SGP.

AMG have announced the full schedule of the upcoming July Ministravaganza. It will take place from Thursday July 16th through Saturday July 18th. With their recent announcement that X-Wing and Armada have stopped development it is no suprise to see nothing for those two games on the schedule. There is some Legion content, some Shatterpoint content and a couple of panels about AMG turning five years old. Those are sure nice for those interested but here we want to keep it MCP focused. So what’s on the schedule for us then?

We start with painting the new Apocalypse terrain it appears.

Then comes the most interesting panel of day one in Survival of the Fittest that should tell us what Apocalypse does on the table and hopefully fully explains how the horseman mechanic will work. From the Adepticon Panel it sounded like there will be specific characters that can be a specific horseman (not a HFC/ Dark Dimension style LD) but we will have to wait and see.

We close the MCP part of day one with Dallas Kemp painting the star of the day. The description reads weird though doesn’t it?

Only one MCP topic on day two but it is the one I predict will have the most immediate impact on the game. I’m not sure if we will get a new card pack, an updated banned and restricted list, a new card rotation or none/all of the above. There will 100% be something there though.

I still love Lexas idea of giving a bunch of older characters specific cards that have none yet.

The roadmap will be very interesting. I hope to see some rules for the new Asgardians. Also we learned of two boxes being released alongside Apocalypse that have different CP numbers from what we’ve seen at Adepticon. Very interesting what characters that end up being (maybe specific horseman?). From a retailers leak we also know Abomination and Wrecking Crew are due to come out end of this year so I’m expecting to see the minis for those. It would also be nice to see the sculpts for Elsa, Man-Thing, Yondu and especially Nova.

And maybe the roadmap give us some new characters to expect in 2025, too.

And then to close the MCP content for the event out we have Dallas painting a Mephisto. That will be very interesting too as to maybe there will be hints about what he does on the table and also just seeing his size will be helpful. From the Adepticon render it wasn’t really clear.

We’ll of course cover everything we’re getting once it is all out.

See you then!

Cheers from Germany 🍻

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