Welcome back to SG Protocol. Today I want to explore the 4 archetypes of rosters in MCP. Often times people in this game refer to a roster as either being...
Well you've known it would only be a question of time not a question of IF we'd do this article. Welcome back to SG Protocol and the third and final...
Welcome back to SGP. This post is meant as a living resource of what characters that aren't in the game as playable characters yet appear on which team tactics cards....
Welcome back to SG Protocol. On the back of the popularity of Ultron, Metal Tyrant and Captain Marvel, Cosmic Avenger as well as my own desire to try a different...
Welcome back to SGP where today we take a look at what people have come up with as their main affiliation plan for the first two online Timeline events. I...
Welcome back to another installment of SGP and the Which... series. Today we'll decide which version of Carol Danvers is the best for you to use in every game regardless...
Welcome back to SGP. I'm currently running Asgard as my main team and have had reasonable success with them sitting at 5:3 after 8 games with only one of the...
Welcome back to SGP and our Which... series where we compare different versions of a character in MCP and find out which version is the right one for you. Todays...
Welcome back to SGP. Today I want to take a look at the current data from Longshanks for the time period of the character updates until now and see if...